"Any ugly weird nosed person can paint their face and be 'hot.' But they’re only hot to weird guys who don’t have good relationships with their mothers." 

Justice Beaver’s quote of the day:

And, Kurt Cobain’s response from the past. Or is it the future?

I walked into the bathroom and found a once white but now muddy washcloth stuffed into the drain. I asked David if he had used my makeup for some reason and tried to hide the evidence. His first response was, “No, what for?” To which I said, “But there is a wet rag stuffed in the sink with foundation all over it?!”

::Few minutes of silence go by::

Him: “Oh yeah, I did use that to fix my jacket…”

Me: “To fix your jacket how?”

Him: “Just to fix it, okay? Stop looking at me.”
Penis size worldwide (by country)

I immediately scrolled to find China. Does that make me a bad person?